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Sunday, March 8, 2015

Fixing Problems Out-Loud!

As I read Genesis 3-5, I thought about how wise you get when you are old.  Read it yourself and see where you think wisdom comes from.

And now we understand the phrase "as old as Methuselah"!  It amazes me how long everyone lived!!  Were the years measured the same?  Was the world turning faster?  Slower?  Someone once told me that because of the mist instead of rain that bodies did not age. The sun was blocked and that had an effect as well.  I’m just not sure. But can you imagine how wise they must have been.  How much life had taught them?  What they shared with others?

God certainly shared some things with man as well, didn't He? 

 Did you notice how God kept asking man questions?  You know He already knew the answers!   It really made me think about how God wants a relationship with us.  He talks to us even if He knows the answer already because He wants to know how we will tell the story--what will be our perspective?  It so much sounds like when I teach children.  I ask them questions that I know the answer to so I can judge their understanding of the situation.  God is a great model of teaching, isn’t He.  He is just trying to help us understand the situation by asking us to say it out- loud. 

Have you ever had to admit something to someone?  Even to yourself?  While it is more easily done in your head, sometimes it is almost impossible to say the words out-loud.  But after you do, you have moved toward fixing the problem.  And until you say the problem out-loud, sometimes it seems impossible to move toward a solution.  Yep, admitting the problem is the first step—God knows that and so He is going to ask—and we must have the courage and strength to answer if the problem is going to be solved. 

Lord, help me to see the problems clearly and know they are “fixable”.  Thanks for loving me enough to see EVERY problem through, even when it means a lot of work is on the way!

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