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Sunday, April 26, 2015

God is with us....anyway

Genesis 25-26

Impressed by Esua? Naaah!  Me, neither.  Red, hairy guy. Gives away birthright for some food.  Marries two women (nobody has done that before).  But hey--he's being raised by a Mom who prefers his brother and a dad who lies about his mom to save his own skin.  Things are really getting to be a mess.  But God is with them and Isaac and Rebekkah do seem to consult with God about things (some things anyway).

I guess it just goes to show you that God is with us, even when we aren't exactly living right.  And I know we shouldn't judge, but after reading today's passage, it's hard not to.  I hope the writer of this book was showing the mistakes clearly on purpose so that we understand how fallible humans are.  Surely the mistakes were not as blatant as they seem.

God, thanks for loving us even when we repeat the sins of our fathers, even when we get our priorities totally wrong.  And thanks for blessing us through others as Abraham and Isaac were blessed by Abimelech.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Laughing with God

 Read Genesis 21-24

I love this story for so many reasons.  Let me share a few with you....

I love why they named the child Isaac, meaning "Laughter".  I love that Sarah laughed to herself in surprise when she heard the Lord tell Abraham that she would have a child within the year. (Genesis 18:10-15) I love that God KNEW she had laughed (showing His omniscience) and reported it to Abraham (just like a best friends teasing and harassing the wife). I even love that Sarah lied and said, "I didn't laugh" showing her respect and awe for the Lord.

Have you ever laughed with God? I remember a time that I did because of this actual Bible story. You see,  we have a son who took a test drug for leukemia. We were asked to be part of testing that new drug and we prayed over the decision fiercely, knowing what was at stake.  This disease or this drug could kill him. But, the decision was easily made once I remembered Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son and trust God.  It was made even easier when I prayed to God, "Would you put your son through that?" and I remember laughing out loud as I realized what I had just asked God and realizing that I clearly knew that answer because He HAD put His son through a challenge, and one even worse.  When I realized that I had laughed outloud while talking to God, it put me right back to Sarah who laughed at the miracle God worked in her life. And I trusted Him to work a miracle in mine, as well.  I still laugh with my God whenever His Holy Spirit helps me think of connections like this while I read, study and pray!

I love the other parts of the reading, too.  I love how God followed up on His promise to Abraham and Sarah.  I love how God took care of Hagar, following up on His promises to her.  I love how God provided the real sacrifice for Abraham, so he wouldn't have to sacrifice his only son. Another reminder of what He would do in the world's future when He would sacrifice His one and only son for us.  It seems almost like a practice for that future event doesn't it.  Do you think the power He felt watching Abraham trust Him helped Jesus have the power to follow through when He had to be the sacrifice?  Do you think it was all the more difficult to watch knowing what would happen in this world later when He would be watching His own son going through it?  Do you think these things come to mind as He watches us go through our trials?  I do.  He know how it feels from every angle and He wants us to know---it is worth it.  When we see it from His angle, we will understand.

God, Thanks for providing laughter when there could be tears.  Thanks for providing hope when we don't understand.  Thanks for providing purpose when things look senseless.  We trust You, we believe You because You first loved us and You promised to always love us.  And we know You keep Your promises!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

There's a "Lot" To Look Forward To

Read Genesis 18-20

They say birds of a feather, flock together.  My mom always told me I would be judged by those I hung out with.  And we all know that you can't hang out in the swamp without getting a little muddy. Well, these folks were down-right nasty!

Lot's reaction to the 2 men is appalling--who would offer their daughters over 2 strangers to a raging crowd?  Just goes to show that if you surround yourself with bad, it's gonna rub off.  And yet, God rescued Lot and his family.  Remember why God did that? Abraham had discussed it with God--prayed a prayer of protection around Lot, so to speak. It's good to have prayer warriors surrounding you! And it didn't hurt that Lot had the presence of mind to guard the angels.  Maybe, when he was suggesting throwing out his daughters, all he was doing was putting God before family.  Still, I think you have to be very clear about these things, especially with children.  It seems those same girls learned a very disturbing lesson from the actions that they saw every day in that city and even the actions of their own father.  And those lessons led to even more disturbing actions from the girls themselves!
  • It reminds me of a story, that I saw on facebook (not always a good source of information, but this one is good)...
  • "Yesterday when I was picking my daughter up from school I witnessed two moms "gossiping" about another mom. Two minutes before the gossip started, the two gossiping moms were acting like the person whom they were talking about's best friend. When she walked away the gossip and mean faces and laughs started. The saddest part? Both of their daughters saw, witnessed and heard the whole thing and then proceeded to chime in the same negative sarcastic way.  Our children hear everything we say and they see everything that we do. They are smart and intuitive and learn what is ok and not ok by us. Mean children and bully's typically learn that from us- their parents." Natalie Jill Fits
We all see it, judge it, and comment on it almost every day.  And yet it's hard not to slip up.  I think that is when we have to learn the next lesson from Lot's dilemma-- Lot's wife turning to salt--coining the phrase "There's no looking back!"  That was another situation that had a huge impact on those girls.  Their mother did not have the faith to look forward and not desire the past. She did not trust God and look to the future.  If you spend your time looking back, you will never be able to move forward.

God, I pray that talking to you will become so natural that I turn to you first.  That I pray as much for others as I do for myself.  And that I keep my eyes on your plan for my life and keep moving forward.  I also hope I always recognize the angels in my midst!  Amen.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Run, Hagar, Run

Read Genesis 12-14

So, here's my main thought and it has cycled through my mind over and over as I think about Hagar--you can't run away.  When there is a problem you have to see it through.  I think that is what God was telling Hagar.  Go back, see it through, I'm working through your life too. Yes, the main story is about Abram and Sarai, but Hagar has a story, too.  Sometimes, it seems as if everyone else is taking center stage and the situations around you are all about someone else.  But even if that is true to the world---to God, your part of the plan is important, too.  Keep praying and focusing on God, he hears you in the midst of it all.

Which leads me to another thought.  A crazy analogy---in the cold weather, my radio station gets interrupted by another station.  I guess the radio waves of the second station can travel further in the cold, crisp air.  Anyway, my Christian, family-friendly station suddenly will have an outburst of another voice or song right in the middle of a train-of-thought or a chorus that I was already "into".  Sometimes, it can make a crazy statement out of a perfectly normal one (try switching your radio stations quickly and see what it ends up saying to you!!) This is very reflective of my real life sometimes! When I'm trying to concentrate on something, maybe a thought or a prayer, THAT is often when bells, voices, or other people's actions interrupt what I'm doing!  Especially when I'm trying to pray---even my own thoughts get so jumbled that it is hard to focus. I think it is so important to lean on God at those times; to try to maintain that focus; talk out loud or just invite God into the chaotic thought-stream.  Sometimes, the Holy Spirit can guide you back to what God would have you to hear, think, and know.

Lord, help me focus today and hear your voice.  And if I get off track, please call me back like you did for Hagar!  Thanks!