"Talents and time before Treasure"
Matthew 25:14-30
What is it that we all have? How are we all the same? Each and every one of us has.......
365 and 1/4 days a year. We all are given 24 hours each day. And how do we use that time? Did you know that by the time you are 65 years old, you have probably used up 7 and 1/2 years brushing your teeth! Now imagine how much time you have spent on computer games or social networking!! And compare that to how much time you have given to God. I know, right? My toes have been stepped on, too!
But what kind of activities count as "God time"? Last night, my son spent about 1 and 1/2 hours cleaning his trumpet for the first time. He was allowed to count that as practicing time. So, maybe, preparation for serving God counts as "God time." That makes sense. God wants us to prepare to serve him. He wants us in prayer, in study, and engaged in the world's events so we know where He is needed and what his children need.
In everything you do, alone or with others, you must glorify God. You must do it for that reason. It is like the song by Stephen Chapman that sings about "picking up toys off the floor for the 15th time today", even that can glorify God if you are doing that because you want to show love to your child and provide a secure home for some of God's children. Just about everything can be done because you love others. If you are not doing it for that reason, you probably aren't able to give God enough of your time and talents.
Sometimes we have a tendency to over-complicate things. It has been called "paralysis of analysis"! You've probably done it before--made a task look so overwhelming that you never get it done--you scare yourself out of it! God doesn't ask for us to do everything. He has given us certain talents that put with the talents of others in our group give us everything we need to accomplish any task. We must be aware of the work and practice that may need to go into it. But more importantly, we need to be aware of who in our group already has that talent and blend it in to ours.
Now, you may want to try something new. You may feel led to do something you have never tried. Especially when you see missions in the church that you are interested in. You can approach these new missions in 3 ways:
1. Start with low expectations of your abilities and be pleased when you overachieve even if it's not much.
2. Start with high expectation of God and even if you don't reach your goal, you can know that it was better than nothing.
3. Have a realistic view of your talents and an unfailing belief in the power of God, and enjoy watching both in action!
All in all, it is a matter of giving back to God all that is God's. And what is that you may ask? Prayer and Worship and Praise--in other words--The Glory!!
And then glean all that God has for you. And what would that be? Communion, relationship, and blessings in all you do.
Many things can count as "God time" as long as they are done for His glory.
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