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Monday, January 2, 2012

Can you match the disciples with their movie character counterpart?

Can you match the disciples with their movie character counterpart?
The youth at Hebron can after finishing their Sunday School series.  See how well you can do.....

1. Simon Peter                                                      a. Clark Kent (Superman)
2. James (son of Zebedee)                                    b.  Editor-in-chief, J. Jameson (Spiderman)
3. John (son of Zebedee)                                      c.  Edmund (The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe)
4. Andrew (Peter's brother)                                  d.  Fiona (Burn Notice)
5. Philip (friend of Andrew)                                 e. Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)
6. Nathaniel Bartholomew                                    f. Lucy (The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe)   
7. Matthew, the tax collector                                g. Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)
8. Thomas, the twin (doubting Thomas)              h.Nathan Ford (Leverage)
9. James, the less (son of Alphaeus)                     i.  Peter Parker (Spiderman)
10. Judas Labbeaus Thaddaeus                             j. Ron Weasley (Harry Potter)
11. Simon, the Zealot                                            k. Sam (Lord of the Rings, III)
12. Judas Iscariot                                                   l.Short Round (Indiana Jones, 2)

1=j. (Simon Peter=Ron Weasley); both jumped in to defend what's right--sometimes without thinking
2=g. (James=Luke); Luke wanted to use "The Force" when negotiating or waiting might have been the
                                 better choice, just as James wanted to "call down lightening" giving him the
                                 nickname "Son of Thunder" along with his brother John.
3=e. (John=Hermione); they both tend to see things as right vs. wrong, black and white, no wiggle
                                 room for those making mistakes
4=f. (Andrew=Lucy); they both wanted to share their discoveries with those closest to them right away
5=i. (Philip=Peter Parker); Were they chosen or did they choose their roles?  Both had a period of
                                 learning involved but their roles were thrust upon them.
6=b. (Nathaniel Bartholomew=J. Jameson); also named most frequently in connection with his parent
                                (Bar means son of), they both also have a negative view of the "hero" until it
                                becomes personal
7=h. (Matthew=Nathan Ford); both hang around in bad circles, with very sketchy people as friends
8=k. (Thomas=Sam);  both were willing to follow their leader even to their doom
9=l. (James, the less=Short Round); both often stayed in the shadows, played a lesser but very
                                 important role
10=a. (Thaddeus=Clark Kent); both are sweet-spirited but get the job done
11=d. (Simon, the zealot=Fiona); both came from militant backgrounds and still have a fiery spirit for
                                 their new belief system
12=c. (Judas Iscariot=Edmund); both were tempted by wealth to turn-over someone they loved and
                                 then regretted it

For more information, read 12 Ordinary Men by John MacArthur or read his sermon series called The Master's Men.

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